about us

We, the Free Workers’ Union (FAU) Bonn, are a re a grassroots union that is united with other syndicates nationwide to form the FAU.

We have no leaders or paid officials; our structures are transparent and built from the bottom up. This gives the individual syndicates, like the FAU Bonn, the possibility to act autonomously, quickly and individually. At the same time, we are networked nationwide as well as internationally and can also stand up for each other across national borders. If necessary, we can always draw on the knowledge and experience of members from other syndicates.

We not only accompany each other in legal disputes, but also take the economic struggles directly into the factories and onto the streets in order to improve our living conditions here and now. Every person in the FAU has a right of co-determination and is encouraged to actively participate. This means that there are no limits to creativity and ingenuity. The FAU also offers room for the commitment of each and every individual beyond classic trade union topics.

Our form of organization is not new and has a name: “anarcho-syndicalism” or “anarchist syndicalism”. Its roots go back to the 19th century, when anti-authoritarian, self-organized trade unions were formed. Today, too, we are striving in the long run for a society free of domination beyond capitalism. And even though there is a long way to go, we are already fighting to overcome existing property and power relations in order to build a society free of sexism, racism, classism and all other forms of discrimination.

If you are interested or want to know more, contact us or come meet us directly!
